Audio-Visual Art Exhibition 2018

Audio-Visual Art Exhibition 2018

Come and Experience

Dancing with Albion - A Silent Disco (Artist - Mikey Georgeson)

At the core of Dancing with Albion is a silent disco relaying a song, Kindnezisavirus. This was conceived as an aesthetic, playful composition, which later chimed with Richard Dawkins’ statement that (human) kindness, being beyond the remit of natural selection, should be considered a virus. Part of A.N. Whitehead’s critique of bifurcation is his desire to give prehensions and purposive acts of kindness an ontological value denied them by their secondary status to primary substances (atoms, photons, electrons, data, abstract concepts, etc).

Dancing with Albion - Miniature bronze of 16ft proposed sculpture (sculptor - Vincent Gray)

Come and preview the proposed sculptures for Bognor and Felpham

On the Streets of Athens - Graffiti Exhibition (curators - Professor Hugo Frey and Dr Luke Walker)