Building Peace with William Blake

Building Peace with William Blake

Join us at BlakeFest for an inspiring event focused on building peace in our communities.

Our friend Chris Bemrose has organised an in-person gathering will be held at the *Felpham Village Hall*, a stone's throw from where William Blake's cottage. This interactive study day will introduce you to Blake's Global Vision (where aesthetics are the ground of economics, not vice versa); to Blakes eco-theology; and to four facets of Blake's vision of peace: Empathy, Inclusivity, Ferocious Forgiveness and Fair Trade.

Whether you're an advocate for peace or simply curious about how to make a positive impact, you are welcome to attend. Join this BlakeFest event at Felpham Village Hall and be part of the movement to build peace in our communities and beyond.


Please, if you can, consider making a small donation to BlakeFest, which helps to keep events free and open to all.

The Day

  • We'll begin with a presentation (75 minutes), spanning Blake's Songs of Innocence to his masterpiece, Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion, punctuated by your questions and observations. Then together we'll explore
  • Blake's eco-theology (50 minutes) - especially as expressed in his "Auguries of Innocence."
  • Ferocious Forgiveness & the Mess in the Middle East (50 minutes) - with insights from Desmond Tutu.
  • Blake's Global Vision, where aesthetics are the ground of economics (50 minutes) - with a mention of Adam Smith.

You'll be invited to read some of Blake's words aloud, to question them, and to apply his vision to current challenges. Blake's works have many layers, inviting many interpretations. Your insights enhance his vision, and his wisdom. A theology of peace could become more contagious than Covid. “ Suzanne Sklar

Please contact Rachel Searle if you need more information:

Tel: 07775 8935332


Download Documents

File Description File size Downloads
pdf 1.Auguries of Innocence 28 KB 14
pdf 2.Felpham Global Vision 86 KB 14
pdf 3. A Very Condensed Version of Jerusalem-1 76 KB 14