Golgonooza Glory

Golgonooza Glory

Small is beautiful. There will a festival in Felpham 18 – 20 September to celebrate our cultural heritage old and new. The Big Blake Project is delighted that Michael Phillips curator of Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum has agreed to come down to share his passion and expertise with us. Stephen Fry has agreed to be the judge of the Blake Poetry Competition and Blake Society’s tithe grant award Links to Blake Society Websitewill be presented at Golgonooza. Entry to the contemporary aphorism competition needs to be submitted through twitter. It is hoped that winning entries can become integrated into new art installations. An aphorism is a short pithy saying that suggests a more infinite truth. We will be working with Chichester University in the local schools as a tool to getting pupils excited about the creativity and power of language. Newly graduated local fashion artist Rachel Smith has built a fabric maze which we are hoping to use at the festival.